㊥ 限り ←

→ ㊥ か~か

㊥ 限り (2)


A suffix which expresses the idea of "(last) only until" or "limited". The last; only until; from~ on; limited to; only

Key Sentences

(ksa). 今度限りで彼のパーティーには行かないつもりだ。

This is the last time I am going to any of his parties.

(ksb). 切符は一人二枚限りです。

Tickets are limited to two per person.


(i)Noun (time) 限り  
  今週限り Limited to this week; this week is the last week
(ii)Number+Counter 限り  
  一度限り Limited to one time; only once


(a). この映画館は今月限りで閉館されます。

This movie house is open only until the end of this month.

(b). 今日限りで酒も煙草もやめます。

From today on I will give up both drinking and smoking.

(c). セールは明日限りです。

Tomorrow is the last day of the sale.

(d). その場限りの約束はしない方がいい。

You'd better not make an empty promise (literally: a promise limited to the moment).

(e). 貸し出しは一回三冊限りです。

Check-out is limited to three books at a time.

(f). 書き直しは一回限りです。

You can rewrite only once. (literally: Rewriting is limited to one time.)

Note image

㊥ 限り ←

→ ㊥ か~か